Justin Routte Obituary, Gahanna Ohio, Justin Routte Has Died

Posted by Reinaldo Massengill on Monday, August 26, 2024

Justin Routte Obituary, Death – Justin Routte Since we were kids, you were my tiny shadow. Always by my side. You were more than my sibling. You were my BFF. Although you were my older brother, I respected you. You make us smile and laugh no matter what. Even in the darkest situations, you found light. I remember several times thinking how proud I was of you as I watched. Looking at you, I’d think it was my brother.

Josh reminds me of you strongly. He chose you over me, and I’m glad. I’m not sure I’ll ever get over not seeing you. No more talking to you. I’m not sure I’ll ever get past not expressing everything I should. I know my wasted time over the last few years will never go gone. It was time I helped you. in your company. I’ll always think of you and my pleasant and sad memories of you. This was not planned.

Unlike you. It was your deserved happily-ever-after. I regret not being there for you when you needed me in recent years. Brother, I hope the past few days have shown you my real care and affection. You didn’t deserve this. You deserved happiness. You were right to watch your kids grow. It was right to retire with your husband. You earned a long, happy life. I keep thinking about this week. That evening’s photos of you haunt me. Everything is repetitive. I should never have left you.

Your presence should have been mentioned. I should have asked for help. Possibly you would be here if I had. Perhaps you would be alive if I had reached you sooner. If I had contacted the squad first, you could still be here. Way too many maybes. I may eventually master. I may have to adjust to life without you. Dear brother, I apologize. I know I will always miss you. I’ll never forget your actual self. I admired him. The man’s life changed drastically. We all wanted you to find peace in death, and I pray you do. Brother, watch over us. I hope we’ll meet again.

